
A Technology Path for Stronger Communities

We firmly believe that the key to a strong and thriving community lies in the empowerment of local businesses and individuals. Through our innovative Software as a Service (SaaS) product, we are dedicated to contributing to the economic growth of our country by creating jobs, fostering community strength, and supporting the growth of local businesses.

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About Our CEO

He consistently prioritizes native business development and is driven by a passion for introducing revolutionary ideas that contribute to the economic development of the nation.

His overarching vision is to cultivate a thriving business community and unite individuals from all walks of life to collectively foster a healthier economy for the nation.

With over 15 years of expertise in problem-solving, sales, marketing, technology, and particularly influence marketing, he is eager to share his wealth of experience with every citizen of the nation.

Murali Gunasekaran

Founder & CEO View My Profile @ Grouppal

The Journey of Grouppal

The process of turning an idea into something that can create a positive IMPACT in society.

2018 April

2018 April

Company Incorporated


2019 June

App Beta Version Launched


2020 June

App 2.0 Launched


2021 June

1000+ Affiliators Registered


2022 June

50+ Talents On-boarded


2022 December

5000+ Businesses enrolled and Digitized


2023 January

1500+ Affiliators Registered


2024 March

₹1 Cr+ Paid to Users

Outstanding IT features

Contains modern features for a better experience

Secure IT services

Provide secure IT services limited have been used.

Fast communication

Fast communication for best Internet service provider.

Backup solutions

Quickly backup and restore for information when issues.

Modern technology

Innovation of technology use computers and networks.