
India’s #1 business Sharing Platform is located in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. We are committed to providing an app for non-digitalized business to retain their customers digitally and earn from all businesses by inbuilt influencer program.

Our SaaS product

Designed to help local brands thrive in the modern business landscape. We have delivered a high-quality, user-friendly product that meets the needs of our customers. We believe that by supporting local brands, we can help build stronger communities, create jobs, and strengthen the economic growth of the country. We are excited about the potential of our SaaS product to make a real difference in the lives of small business owners and entrepreneurs, and we look forward to bringing new features to the application which help brands understand their customers deeper than ever in the near future.
Using the latest technologies and best practices, our product will help local brands streamline their operations, reach new customers, and compete more effectively with Global competitors.


About Our CEO

Murali Gunasekaran

CEO - GroupPal

From Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, he always thinks about native business development and is passionate about bringing revolutionary ideas that contribute to the nation’s economic development. His vision is to build a great business community and bring together all the common man to achieve a healthier economy for the nation. Having 15+ years of experience in problem solving, sales, marketing, technology, and especially influence marketing, he wants to serve his expertise to every citizen of the nation.